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Please click on the appropriate month to view my calendar and see where I'm going to be. If you don't see a month, then it means there are no appearances scheduled yet.                       

New dates will be added once they are booked.

Please check back often, as I regularly update the calendar.

You can reach me by email at, or call 203.770.0132 for more information on booking a performance or event.

Or better yet, click the email, contact, feedback, join my emailing list button at the top right of this page and do it all with a single mouse click.


Please note: A new version of will be launched shortly.  It will have a number of revision that I think you will truly enjoy.  Live performance videos, a photo gallery, a new calendar, share buttons, the works...

As far as future gigs throughout 2010 go, please click on the following links>>>,



Since that is where I've been posting my performance schedule, until the new site is up.

I will send out an email, as soon as the new website is launched and live for your viewing and auditory pleasure:)

Thank you so, so, so much for your continued support...

Well wishes,
Marc Huberman                                                             

photo courtesy of John Stuart

home about music calendar downloads releases venues store photos links news contact me